Man, our blog spot needs some help. I promised my mom that I would stay on top of it. Interject my witty humor and charm into each blog post along, with pictures of her beautiful creations. Well, at this task, I have failed miserably. Between work, planning a wedding, and a few baby showers, I have neglected my duties as blog master. So in this new year, (I know it's already March), I will try to make an effort to do this.
For starters, excuse the poor picture quality, we never claimed to be photographers, and thank goodness for that. However, we can promise you that our flowers, and decorations look a lot better in person.
Second, in my next bit of spare time I am going to try to get a website up and running, but in the mean time if you have questions, or comments, about our work, our prices, our capabilities, please feel free to email Mary at, or myself, Katie, at We would love to help you out with whatever it may be. Flowers, decorations, theme ideas, paper creation, whatever we can do to help and expand our creative minds we will!
Lastly, we had two adorable baby showers that we helped with and will be posting pics soon. Here is a teaser for now.